About the site...

Welcome! I'm Diuska, a huge fan of cars, coding and computer science, and motorsports. This is my website Low Earth Orbit, named after Duster's famous studio.This website was created on May 13, 2024 at sometime between 10:40 and 11:05 I think. I hope oyu enjoy this website, it may not be very complete at all since I'm not the best at CSS yet.. but it will get there eventually I hope (W3Schools my beloved <3).


Stuff About Me:

(insert photo)


Name: Diuska (Miuska)



Interests: Formula 1/motorsports, Cars, Coding, Music, Public Transport (ex. Trinas, subways, metros)


Top Five F1 drivers:

Fernando Alonso

Kimi Raikkonen

Yuki Tsunoda

Max Verstappen

Sergio (Checho) Perez


Status: having a flash flood apparently?? (updated: May 13, 2024)
